
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harvest Snack: Ancho-Garlic Popcorn

The seasons are turning, and more caloric snacks are once again on the rotation.  Here's a picture of our own Pennsylvania Dutch Butter-flavored popcorn, seasoned with an ancho-garlic butter.  Of course, just because the popcorn has its own buttery flavor, that's no reason to forgo adding more butter.  This topping used our own garlic, finely minced, and some of the ancho powder I made this year, cooked into the butter along with the garlic so that the flavors dispersed nicely.  I was struck by how much sweeter this ancho chili powder was than the commercial stuff I've relied on in the past.  It really gave a distinct fruity-sweet note to the popcorn.  Not what I'm accustomed to, but pretty tasty.  If you need directions for perfect oil-popped popcorn, I posted them a while back.

I'm a bit under the weather at the moment, but I should have some more substantive posts up soonish.


  1. Sounds delicious!
    My children are very into eating popcorn with milk as a cereal at the moment, which is fine by me :-)
    It started with Farmer Boy (Laura Ingalls)and seeing whether you really can get one cup popcorn into one cup milk without displacing the milk (you can), and then they decided they liked it. Cheaper than cereal, and less messed-around with, and they don't add sugar, so it's all good. And *next* year I will grow my own...

  2. Oh this sounds so good. I love spicy flavors with my popcorn. In fact, I've been known to eat them with a splash of hot chili sauce.

  3. If you keep eating ancho-garlic popcorn, I'm sure you'll feel better soon!

  4. Oh my, that popcorn snack looks divine!

  5. Sounded so good i had to have the popcorn with your seasoning for my lunch! Yum indeed!! T/U.

    BTW ~ just found your blog and and AMAZED at all you've shared here. You've given me so many ideas and food for thought as well.... am planting garlic per your instructions in a few days!

    Hoping you are feeling much better today!!

  6. Just found your blog tonight and it's great! Hope you feel better soon!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry... posted from the wrong ID.

    Popcorn takes so well to so many flavors. Was it easy to grow? I've been resisting corn because it needs so much room, but I may add space for the three sisters next year.

  9. Hi there! It's me again, craving popcorn and thinking of you, who with one post reminded me of all that's good about corn popped over real heat. I stopped by your blog specifically because I'm craving popcorn, and look what i find! Looks like great minds think alike, at least when it comes to cool-weather snacking...


    p.s. We've move to the country! I'll be back to ask about persimmons and acorns and hickory nuts. :)

  10. Hazel, I've heard of eating popcorn as a breakfast cereal, but have never tried it. It makes perfect sense. One of these days I'll give it a try.

    Lisa, I could see hot chili sauce working. I have some pretty respectably hot Korean chili-garlic vinegar based sauce that might prove exciting.

    Thanks, Tamar. I'm better, but still have the annoying, unproductive cough indicative of respiratory irritation. Most irritating.

    meemsnyc, enjoy!

    Anon, thanks so much. Hope your garlic planting goes well. It's been a tough year for scrounging up planting stock.

    Heather, thanks.

    Peter, yes, popcorn is easy to grow by my standards, once it's big enough that the crows leave it alone. It's one of my "ignore" till harvest plants, and one of the hardest things is waiting until it's really the right time to harvest. I grew it this year in a three sisters planting too.

    Susan, glad I could help you with your popcorn craving. It must be so exciting to have your own place now. Congratulations. I don't know much about persimmons, but I've got an acorn post coming very soon.

  11. The ancho chili powder was AMAZING!!!! I need to get my smoker going.... Thanks again for sharing!

  12. Ali, glad you enjoyed it. Good luck with the smoker. I know you'll find good uses for it.
