We live where green lawns are not capital crimes against nature. Rainfall can be relied upon year-round, at least in "normal" years. If you can say the same for your area, and you have lawn plus deciduous trees on your property or nearby, then I have a composting trick to recommend to you. Sadly, it may be too late for you to use it this year. If so, apologies, but keep it in mind for next year.
In late summer or early fall, stop mowing your grass. Let it grow out for at least three weeks, (preferably more) before the autumn leaves start falling. The grass probably won't grow rampantly in this late season. Let all or most of your leaves fall on the long grass. Don't rake them. Wait for a day when the leaves are as dry as possible, at least a few days after any rainfall. Cut the lawn using a lawnmower with a bag, running right over the fallen leaves so that they get chopped up, mixed with grass and saved in the bag. Dump this mixture in your garden, compost bin, or anywhere you'd like a new bed for the spring.
I've always been a lazy composter, and this tendency only got worse after we got hens and a worm bin, which took care of more than half the material that would otherwise be composted. So I've never fussed over the temperature of my compost pile, nor bothered with watering and turning the pile. Compost chez nous happens in its own time, which is to say, very slowly.
But the neat thing about the fall leaves and grass trick is not that it saves a good deal of leaf raking. No, the coolest thing is that dried leaves (carbon, or "brown" matter) and green grass (nitrogen, or "green" matter) are pretty close to the perfect combination of materials needed to make your compost pile decompose rather quickly. A pile of leaves alone will hardly decompose at all over a year's time. (Ask me how I know this some time.) The shredding action of the lawnmower blade helps break down some of the leaves, at least, into smaller pieces, further speeding decomposition. This mixture is ideal for the compost layer in a new bed that you plan to lasagna mulch (aka sheet mulch).
We keep a portion of our property in lawn for the benefit of our laying hens. All through the summer we cut that lawn without bagging the clippings. They sit on the ground to replenish the soil. But the manure from our chickens is also enriching the lawn month after month. A once-per-year harvest of that high-nitrogen content grass in the interest of the garden proper seems a good practice to me. While I'm sure that some of the nitrogen from the hens' manure can make its way from the grassy surround of the garden into the garden soil itself, it doesn't hurt to facilitate that transfer once in a while either.
We have only a very small bag on our push mower, so this is a tiring and time consuming task at a busy time of year. Even when I dump the contents into the wheelbarrow to make fewer trips, the wheelbarrow fills up very quickly. In all honesty, if I remember it in time, I may look to barter next year for a one-time lawn cutting with someone who owns a large mower with a bag, preferably one of those fancy mowers that practically pulverizes the clippings. However it gets done, adding all that organic matter to our garden is worth it.
Today I made the third of such piles in our garden. I stuck my hand into the middle of the one I made two days ago. It was too hot to comfortably leave my hand in there very long!
We got a lawnmower with a bag this year. I wanted it so that I could feed the grass to my ducks but you are right the bag is small and once the ducks have a bag that is all they need but the lawn produces at least three bags. We put them in the compost pile and they really do help.
This is wonderful! What a great compost hack!
This is a great tip! Thanks!
I am the proud owner of a beautiful new raised bed in my back garden,thanks to DH, which so far I have filled with manure from a neighbours small holding, compost and the scrapings from the top of the chicken and duck runs, newspaper and strawy poultry manure. I was going to top it with just leaves, but might do this instead. Or I might use it at the allotment. I think I need more lawn and more leaves...
Great tip, thank you!
becky, good idea to bring the grass to your ducks.
Gardenatrix (love the name) and meemsnyc, glad you like the tip.
Hazel, congrats on your raised bed. Sounds like you're loading it with good stuff. If you top it with enough whole leaves they may act as a mulch. A gardening friend even shreds his leaves but doesn't mix them with anything else, and then uses them as mulch in his garden for weed control. They really do not break down very quickly at all unless chopped and mixed with green stuff. Forests build their soil slowly, apparently.
That is a neat trick.
I do the same thing, the bagging mower does triple duty around my place, it vacuums up yard waste , mulches it and bags it for easy composting, muching whatever!!
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